摘要:In this paper, we proposed a novel triple algorithm based on RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), and TwoFish in order to further improve the security of Bluetooth that is currently using only 128-bit AES for encryption in its latest versions (Bluetooth 4.0 - 5.0). Further-more, older Bluetooth 1.0A – 3.0 + HS (High-Speed) devices use E0 stream cipher for encryption that has been shown to be weak by numerous researchers and thus it could be considered insufficient for high security purposes nowadays. In our novel approach, the triple protection of AES, RSA, and TWOFISH would enhance the level of security, which shields the data transmission in the Bluetooth. As the first step of our novel approach, we first encrypted the message by using AES with 128-bit key and then further encrypted it by using Twofish with the same 128-bit key. Finally, the 128-bit key generated in the beginning will be encrypted by using RSA with 1024-bit key to protect its over-the-air transfer. In the receiving end, the decryption process goes in reverse order compared with encryption process. We showed with experimental figures that our novel algorithm improved the security of Bluetooth encryption by eliminating all known weaknesses and thus made data exchange between Bluetooth devices secure.