Background: The Tanzanian health sector receives large amounts of funding from multiple international development partners to support a broad range of population-health interventions. However, little is known about the partners’ level of commitment to sustain funding, and the implications of uncertainties created by these funding mechanisms. This study had the following objectives: 1) To present a theoretical model for assessing funding commitments by health development partners in a specified region; 2) to describe development partner funding commitments against this framework, using a case study example of Morogoro Region, Tanzania; and 3) to discuss policy considerations using this framework for district, regional and national level.
Methods: Qualitative case study methodology was used to assess funding commitments of health-related development partners in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Using qualitative data, collected as part of an evaluation of maternal and child health programs in Morogoro Region, key informants from all development partners were interviewed and thematic analysis was conducted for the assessment.
Results: Our findings show that decisions made on where to commit and direct funds were based on recipient government and development partner priorities. These decisions were based on government directives, such as the need to provide health services to vulnerable populations; the need to contribute towards alleviation of disease burden and development partner interests, including humanitarian concerns. Poor coordination of partner organizations and their funding priorities may undermine benefits to target populations. This weakness poses a major challenge on development partner investments in health, leading to duplication of efforts and resulting in stagnant disease burden levels.
Conclusion: Effective coordination mechanisms between all stakeholders at each level should be advocated to provide a forum to discuss interests and priorities, so as to harmonize them and facilitate the implementation of development partner funded activities in the recipient countries.