摘要:The outbreak of World War II (1939-1945) saw a seriesof exiles of European artists and intellectuals who traveled to theAmerican continent. As a result, a worldwide transformation in culturalinstitutions took place. In this context, which immediately followedthe fall of Paris, is it still possible to consider New York as the center ofsuch transformations? In other words, is it feasible to insist on a globalcultural center when one knows that countries from Latin America,Brazil included, also hosted exiled artists and, at such a historicalmoment, deepened diplomatic relations and cultural exchanges withthe United States in a new manner? A more precise and profound gazeat the cultural exchanges in and from Latin America during the SecondWorld War, as well as in the years following that conflict, is the subjectof the dossier “After Paris, What? Exile, Exoticism and Eccentricity.