标题:Câteva considerații privind bolurile de sticlă cu coaste, descoperite în arealul est carpatic [ Some Considerations Regarding the Glass Ribbed Bowls Discovered on the East- Carpathian Area ]
摘要:The Roman ribbed bowls can be counted among the most important glass forms, especially in the 1st century AD. A largevariety of these items was discovered in the East-Carpathian davae, denoting the fact that the Geto-Dacians had strong commercialties with various regions of the Roman Empire. Especially the settlement of Poiana (Piroboridava) revealed different types of ribbedbowls ranging from marmoured examples to opaque white and ultimately, to common bluish-green items. There are numeroussimilarities between the glass discovered in the Geto-Dacian settlements and the one coming from the North-Pontic regions, whichsuggests that they might have followed a north – west commercial direction.
关键词:Roman glass; ribbed bowls; East-Carpathian area; the Geto-Dacian davae; Roman imports; white glass.