期刊名称:Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society
摘要:Ocean Fishingport of Nizam Zachman Jakarta (PPSNZJ) is the largest fishingport in Indonesia.It serves as a landing place for fish, fish marketing, berthing place for various sizes of fishing boats,accretion of fishery business unit as well as fishermen's centre. The high activity in this port has thepotential to have an impact on the quality of water. To control water pollution from various activities inPPSNZJ, adequate management is required, supported by the availability of data related to the quality ofthe surrounding waters that meet the water quality standards. This study aims to determine the status ofwater quality in PPSNZJ. The method used was case study in PPSNZ waters. Water quality status wasanalysed through Store et Retrieval method (STORET). Sampling point location was determined usingpurposive sampling consisting of five stations in port basin of PPSNZJ by using physical, chemical andbiological parameters. Sampling was conducted twice in repetition in transition monsoon and westmonsoon. The results showed that physical parameters (odor, debris and oil layer), chemical parameters(ammonia, nitrate, orto phosphate) and biological parameters (coliform) were above the allowablequality standard. The result of STORET method calculation showed that the status of waters condition inport basin of PPSNZJ, for marine biota, has been contaminated with STORET index value of -29 from therange of values of -11 to -30. The condition of waters in PPSNZJ which is allocated for fishingports hasbeen lightly polluted with the STORET index of -5 (from the range of index values -1 to -10).
关键词:fishingport; Indonesia; PPSNZJ; STORET; water pollution.