The paper presents results of the research project Social and Moral Aspects of Economic and Civic Life of Rural Youth, which was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, through the Slovak Youth Institute under the specific scheme Support and Development of Research in the Field of Youth Policy. With the focus on the problems of contemporary life of rural youth, it emphasizes socio-economic and civic-politic dimension of its life. It maps different aspects as well as the influence of particular factors and institutions that affect behaviour and choices of young people in rural areas. The research methodology was based on qualitative approach using observation and personal semi-standardized interview method during the field survey. Interviews were conducted with 106 young people aged 18-30 from 39 rural communities localized in different parts of Slovakia in 2014. Besides introduction to the context, the authors describe methodological framework and the sampling procedure, the key research goals and questions, and basic research findings. They conclude that rural youth needs to be given certain stimulus and support in all possible areas of existence and participation, as well as tolerance and acceptance of their new ideas and thoughts.