摘要:The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory complaints in Congolese women selling grain flours in Lubumbashi. The study enrolled 370 women, including 183 cassava, corn and soybean flour selling women (exposed group) and 187 tax collectors in municipal markets (control group) in Lubumbashi, DRC. A standardized respiratory health questionnaire was used, and a lung function test performed with the use of peak flow-meters. The prevalence of respiratory complaints was markedly higher in dust-exposed women than controls. In addition, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) was significantly lower in the exposed group than in controls (342.46 ± 65.62 vs. 410.89 ± 70.91, respectively ; P <0.05). After adjustment for age and education level, women involved in cassava, corn and soybean flour selling business were more likely to develop respiratory complaints ad disorders as compared to controls.
关键词:dust exposure; Lubumbashi; prevalence; respiratory complaints; women flour seller; Democratic Republic of the Congo