期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:The purpose of this paper is to examine the information security awareness (ISA) among undergraduate students in Saudi Arabia, using online survey. The survey attracted 2325 respondents 828 male, and 1,497 female. The results reveal that the most significant information security awareness problems are found to lie in the areas of Cloud storage security awareness, Social networking security awareness and Wireless network security awareness. This paper contributes to the literature by identifying key findings and recommendations regarding information security attitudes, behaviors, and tools used by students along with suggestions for improving information security awareness at institutions of higher education. In this paper, we will show the need for security education, training, and awareness programs in universities in the Middle East by presenting results of various information security issues and threats in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia among students.
关键词:Information Security; Information Security awareness; Cloud storage; Social networks.