期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:This paper presents the design of a multi-expert system for educational and career guidance based on a multi-agent paradigm and the semantic web. This paradigm seeks to distribute a problem on a set of agents that communicate between them, coordinate their behavior and cooperate in order to solve a problem. The problem to be dealt in this article is that of educational and career guidance where different types of knowledge come from four sources: pedagogical expert, psychological expert, sociological expert and economic expert. In addition to the four mentioned experts, other two experts are added which are a coaching expert and the system supervisor. The latter, that organizes tasks between agents, is considered as expert in the sense that he has its own database of rules. Such a system is a tool for decision support that allows students and job seekers to build their professional projects while taking into account the various factors involved in the process of educational and vocational guidance.
关键词:Educational and career guidance; multi;expert system; multi;agent system; decision support; semantic web; ontolgy.