期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:In the view of changing technologies in requirement engineering the RRSF is being introduced for early stage requirement defect identification and mitigation during software development process to make requirement specification reliable. With the use of RRSF at early stage of SDLC, requirement defect identification and their proper mitigation has become cheaper than to later stages. The principal purpose of this framework is to filter out requirements stage defects from entering into later stages of SDLC. In this paper, it is being tried to show the experimental design for validating RRSF and to give comparative analysis with petri net tool which is meant for later stages of software development process. Under RRSF two major techniques have been introduced, one for requirement defect identification and other for requirement defect mitigation which now being tried to validate through empirical design under pre-tryout, tryout and statistical analysis with hypothesis methodology.