期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:The wireless body area network (WBAN) has emerged as a new technology for e-healthcare that allows real time monitoring of patients using small wearable and/or implantable sensors. The latest collect vital information of the patient and communicate them to a central unit using short-range wireless communication techniques. The security and privacy protection of the data collected from a WBAN is major preoccupation with challenges coming from stringent resource constraints of WBAN devices and the high demand for both security/privacy and practicality/usability. In this paper, we first categorize the type of eavesdroppers that threatening the privacy in WBAN, and then we propose a new scheme based biometric to protect location privacy in WBAN.
关键词:Wireless Body Area Networks; location privacy; Eavesdroppers; attack games; Biometrics