期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science Issues
出版社:IJCSI Press
摘要:In a multi-organization environment like the GRID, each institute might want to apply some boundaries on how its resources are being utilized by other institutes. A disagreement between the multi-Virtual Organizations (VOs) might happen in the security aspect for the policy framework. Mobile Grid Services has given the ability to move jobs, data and application software from nodes to nodes during jobs execution in the grid environment. It has also solved some of the lack in finding suitable resources for the jobs. To facilitate the ability to support mobile resource sharing between multiple heterogeneous VOs, an authorization policy management framework is needed to support authorization for heterogeneous authorization systems. Traditional authorization policy management frameworks act well in authorization policy for a single VO where the contributing hosts grant the permission to follow a global authorization system. However most of policy management tools do not provide a clear support for sharing mobile resources between multiple heterogeneous VOs. To solve this problem, we present a dynamic and heterogeneous policy management framework that can give a clear policy definition about the ability to move jobs, data and application software from nodes to nodes during jobs execution in the grid environment. We introduce an architecture for policy based resource management in the case of mobile sharing, and a scenario that explain the advantages of mobility mechanism and the role of policy in the grid systems. To check the performance of this architecture, a set of experiments had conducted. The results, analysis and the overheads estimation are presented in this journal