出版社:Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)
摘要:This study was carried out to identify the abundance of bivalves and gastropods communities seasonally from winter 2009 to autumn 2010 in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. For this purpose, Bandar Abbas coastal waters were divided to 5 transects. Random sampling and 0.04-m2 Peterson grab were used for samples collection. We collected 9 samples at 3 stations along each transects. Based on the records from all samples, 19 families were identified that among them 8 families belonged to bivalves and 11 families belonged to gastropods. The results of variance Analysis (Tukey test) showed significant difference in abundance of gastropods and bivalves in St1 and St2 with other stations )p 0.05) (95% confidence interval). Also, abundance of families in summer 2010 were different from other seasons ) p<0.05, 95% confidence interval). Maximum and minimum content of silt (autumn and summer of 2010 with 50.68 and 43.2 % respectively), of clay (winter 2009 and autumn of 2010 with 11.38 and 9.64 % respectively) and of sand (spring 2010 and winter of 2009 with 40.34 and 39.56% respectively) were calculated. Also, Maximum of Shanon index for bivalves and gastropods were determined in the spring of 2010 (St 2, 0.99), and in the summer of 2010 (St5, 0.61), respectively.
关键词:Bivalvia ; Gastropoda ; Identification ; Bandar Abbas.