期刊名称:Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management
出版社:Iranian Research Institute for Information and Technology
摘要:Objective: The scope of debates between philosophers on objectivism and subjectivism relates to relevance which is fundamental issue of designing and evaluation of information systems. Our understanding of the topic relevance would not be complete without understanding these basic debates. The article reviewing both viewpoints tries to sum up them somehow acceptable and useful to information systems and with critical approach analyses subjective paradigm dominant in relevance literature. Methodology: The present study is based on the descriptive- analysis methodology using the library sources. Findings: Necessity of more moderate and realistic viewpoints which recognize the role of experts and systems in addition to users in the literature of relevance. Also introducing the “Facet Relevance”, it has been proposed objectivism and subjectivism be recognized not only to design information systems but also to defining relevance. The effects of technology on the approaches of information system design free from theoretical viewpoints investigated too.
关键词:Facet Relevance ; Objective and Subjective Relevance ; Relevance ; Information storage and retrieval ; Information Systems.