出版社:Centro de Investigaciones Agroalimentarias (CIAAL)
摘要:The Brazilian production of organic products is concentrated on fresh production and less processed products. The shortage of raw material that meets this chain, as well as the lack of regular delivery of the same to the sector, indicates important problems of coordination between the productive links of this agroindustrial chain. In this sense, this work investigates –from the point of view of the theory of transaction costs– the relationship of four companies of the segment of organic processors with its supplier link. The methodology used was the study of multiple cases, being these cases selected from the portfolio of products of the companies that work in the field of organic processing in Brazil. They show the low scale of production of the industry, the reduced number of suppliers, the requirements and precepts of the certification legislation and the high acquisition price (from the raw material to the final product) as limiting the development of the sector, considered disorganized, fragile and precarious in management. The results of the research point to the high dependence and uncertainty of the industry in relation to the raw material supplier segment, and even in this scenario the predominant governance structure is via the market, which may become unfeasible in the long term.
关键词:Agro-food chain; Brazil; organic processing; organic production; transaction costs; uncertainty; value chain;Brasil; cadena agroproductiva; cadena de valor; costos de transacción; incertidumbre; procesamiento orgánico; producción orgánica;Brésil; chaîne agroproductive; chaîne de valeur; coûts de transaction; incertitude; production biologique; traitement biologique;Brasil; cadeia agro produtiva; cadeia de valor; custos de transação; incerteza; processamento de orgânicos; produção orgânica