摘要:آب، از اصلیترین نیازهای بشر و مایه حیات و علت شکلگیری بسیاری از سکونتگاههای روستایی در سطح زمین است. کمبود آب آشامیدنی سالم بهویژه در کشورهای جهان سوم ـ از جمله کشور ما ـ به عنوان معضلی اساسی شناخته میشود. عدم کنترل کیفیت و میزان برداشت و مصرف بیرویه آب میتواند معضل کمبود آب را تشدید کند و تهدیدهای جدی به بار آورد. از این رو لازم است ضمن اعمال سیاستهای اصولی، به جنبههای مدیریتی مختلف این منبع حیاتی توجه شود. پژوهش حاضر با شناسایی و سطحبندی ریسکهایی که مخازن و شبکة توزیع آب آشامیدنی را در مراکز روستایی بخش مرکزی مینودشت تهدید میکنند، اقدام به اولویتبندی و سطحبندی این مراکز بر اساس میزان ریسک موجود در نگهداری و عرضه مخازن و شبکة توزیع آب آشامیدنی آن کرده است. از آنجا که یکی از وظایف دهیاران تأمین آب آشامیدنی سالم و نظارت بر سلامت آب آشامیدنی روستاییان است، روش تحقیق در پژوهش حاضر توصیفی ـ تحلیلی به شیوه پیمایشی انجام شده است. نمونه آماری مورد مطالعه، روستاهایی است که دارای دهیاری هستند. نهایتاً این روستاها با استفاده از مدل تحلیل سلسلهمراتبی AHP و رتبهبندی بر اساس تشابه به حل ایدهآل (Topsis) اولویتبندی شدند و به پنج سطح شامل: روستاهای با ریسک بسیار بالا، روستاهای با ریسک بالا، روستاهای با ریسک متوسط، روستاهای با ریسک کم، و روستاهای با ریسک بسیار کم، تقسیم شدند.
其他摘要:Introduction According to world population growth that is over 6 billion people, drinking water supply in cities and villages is one of the concerns of politicians and residents, so the 21st century is named century of water stress or hydrological stress. One of goals of World Water organization will be supply the drinking water for all until 2025. It is worth mentioning that highest population had no access to safe drinking water live in Asia and Africa and are living in villages. In Summary, the concept of risk is known by probability of loss or uncertainty and the concept of risk management implies risk assessment and strategies adopted for risk management. In ideal risk management, there is a prioritization process in order to consider the most loss risks with highest probability at the beginning and risks with lower probability and lower risks at the end. Also search and site selection risks before their problem being one of the steps in this approach. The main purpose of this study is review and study of the situation of drinking water resources, identify and classify risks that these resources in phase of maintenance and supply drinking water and finally graded and prioritized rural centers based on these risks. The study area in this research, are villages located in central district of Minoodasht Township.MethodologyResearch study is descriptive-analytical in survey way. Statistical Society of study is villages located in central district of Minoodasht and the study sample is those villages that have Dehyary. Required information through the library studies, direct observations and questionnaires completed by 63 Dehyars were collected. Dehyars group was selected because in new system of rural management in our country, Dehyary is considered as institution of rural management, the institution that participation in providing and keeping safe drinking water is considered as part of its tasks. According to the Theoretical framework risks of maintenance and supply drinking water resources, categorize in five groups of human agents (management), natural factors, location of source and reservoir, source and reservoir characteristics and risks related to water quality were classified. For risk assessment of each class as questions were designed in form of Lycert range that total points of them shows the situation of each village in that group of risks. It should be noted that about risks related to water quality due to lack of accurate and complete information about chemical and bacteriology for all the villages inevitably this indicator was not considered and since this study accent on risks relating to maintenance and supply of drinking water resources only the physical quality of water from viewpoint of Dhyars considered. The weight of each group as the main indicators of risk in drinking water is considered by using AHP model and Expert Choice. Then, according to the weight obtained in this way and the risks of water resources, rural centers with using the TOPSIS model were graded and prioritized.ResultsFrom the 12 villages in the level (a) that their risk is very high, 10 villages are under water and Sewage Company. Also from 10 villages in level (e) 9 villages under covered by water and Sewage Company and also a village is enjoyed from urban water. So we can say that cover all villages in the region by the Rural Water and sewage Company should be considered as effective step in reducing risks related to drinking water resources.Conclusion With attention to obtained results Asefrenjan village has the highest risk and Jangaldeh has the lowest risk. Also rural centers with attention to risk classification, categorized to very high risk rural centers, high-risk rural centers, rural centers with moderate risk, low-risk rural centers, very low-risk rural centers groups. According to this scheme, low and very low risk rural centers are under the cover Rural Water and Sewage Company. This shows the importance of controlling and monitoring these resources is vital. Certainly aware of the status quo of rural drinking water sources is an important aid to more accurate planning in villages by Dhyars. Finally, it is recommended to identify the status of villages in terms of type of risk related to drinking water sources and evaluate them, should design warning systems to be informative, while it is essential that consistently and in all conditions, continuous monitoring and control the risks to be considered. Also should prepare a plan for advance the health status of rural drinking water supplies with an emphasis on risk management approach and rely on people's participation and attendance as the operation and in many cases, the main perpetrators water pollutants.
关键词:آب آشامیدنی;بخش مرکزی;مدیریت ریسک;مینودشت;نواحی روستایی