摘要:گردشگری کشاورزی رویکرد کارآفرینانهای است که اگر بهطور صحیح مدیریت شود میتواند پیامدهای مثبت فراوانی در کشاورزی داشته باشد. طبق برآوردها تا افق 1410، حدود 5/77 درصد جمعیت ایران شهرنشین خواهد بود، که میتواند فرصت مناسبی برای توسعة گردشگری کشاورزی و ایجاد درآمد مکمل برای کشاورزان و کاهش تغییر کاربری زمینهای کشاورزی باشد. باوجود بسترهای بالقوة فراوان کشور برای توسعة گردشگری کشاورزی، هیچگونه مطالعهای درخصوص برآورد تقاضای بالقوه برای خدمات گردشگری کشاورزی در جامعه و عوامل اثرگذار بر آن انجام نشده است. مقالة حاضر بهمنظور بررسی تمایل به پرداخت هزینه برای خدمات گردشگری کشاورزی در شهر قزوین انجام شد. جامعة آماری شامل شهروندان بالای 18 سال قزوین بود که در سال گذشته دستکم یک بار به فضاهای کشاورزی-روستایی مراجعه کرده بودند. حجم نمونه 153 نفر برآورد شد و درمجموع تعداد 180 پرسشنامة خودساخته ازطریق مصاحبة رودررو تکمیل گردید. در این مطالعه برای برآورد تمایل به پرداخت، از روش ارزشگذاری مشروط و روش انتخاب دوگانة دوبعدی استفاده شد. بهمنظور بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر احتمال پذیرش مبالغ پیشنهادی در ازای بهرهمندی از خدمات گردشگری کشاورزی، مدل لاجیت بهروش حداکثر درستنمایی برآورد گردید. متوسط تمایل به پرداخت هر شهروند بهازای هر بازدید و بهرهمندی از برخی خدمات گردشگری کشاورزی، مبلغ 53400 ریال برآورد شد. با توجه به معناداری این مبلغ و ازآنجاکه درحدود 80 درصد شهروندان مطالعهشده یکی از مبالغ پیشنهادی برای خدمات گردشگری را پذیرفتند، میتوان نتیجه گرفت که بازار بالقوه مناسبی برای توسعة بنگاههای گردشگری کشاورزی وجود دارد. نتایج نشان دادند که متغیرهای متوسط تعداد سفر به فضاهای روستایی-کشاورزی در سال، بعد خانوار و متغیرهای مجازی دارابودن خودرو و مکان تولد اثر معناداری بر احتمال پذیرش مبالغ پیشنهادی بهعنوان تمایل به پرداخت هزینه برای خدمات گردشگری کشاورزی از سوی شهروندان داشتند.
其他摘要:Introduction Nowadays designing win-win strategies on the basis of multifunctional agriculture isone of the most important conditions for surviving of agricultural lands. Thesestrategies should design in such a way that could conserve agricultural land use,improve farmers’ income while provide environmental and social services throughfarming systems. One of the basic solutions may be considered in designing win-winstrategies is sustainable agritourism. Agritourism has long been considered a meansof accomplishing economic and social development. It has been promoted as aneffective source of income and employment. Global restructuring, includingimproved production methods and free trade, together with changing consumertrends, has led to profound changes in rural economies, particularly for smallfarmers. This new situation necessitates diversifying farming activities and providesa greater interest in new agricultural niche markets. Development of agritourism isrecognized as an internal element in the revitalization of rural areas through tourism.Agritourism is an entrepreneurial approach which would lead to positive impacts byappropriate management. Because of either the mood of pessimism about theexcessive, irregular, and continuous growth of urban areas or the desire to escape from the stresses of everyday life or the noble allure of green space, suburbanspaces, or pristine and untouched areas, individuals communicate with nature as apart of their ordinary recreational cycle. According to the estimations, 77.5 percent of Iranian population would reside urban until 2032. This change could presentsuitable opportunity for agritourism development and creation of supplementaryincome for farmers and consequently for reduction of agricultural land use change.But lack of dynamic and learning agricultural management has increasedvulnerability of Iranian farmers and has declined their investment ability in order toimprove land productivity. Despite groundwork and many possibilities foragritourism development in Iran, no study has been done to estimate potentialdemand for agritourism services and effective factors on it.MethodologyThis study employed contingent valuation and double-bounded dichotomous choicemethod to estimate willingness to pay for agritourism services in Qazvin, Iran.Population of the study included Qazvin citizens over 18 years of age who hadvisited agricultural and rural areas at least on time in the last year. The sample sizeestimated 153 persons and a total of 180 questionnaires were completed via face toface interviews. One of the most widely used techniques for ecological valuation has been the contingent valuation method (CVM). It involves asking people directlywhat value they would place on an amenity if a market existed for it. Also a LogitModel was estimated using Maximum Likelihood Approach in order to investigatethe effective factors on individual willingness to pay (WTP).ResultsInformation about respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics included their age,gender, residential area, marital status, education level, occupation, distance toagricultural and rural destination, family size, and income. The results indicated that the respondents’ ages ranged from 18 to 69 year old with an average age of 35.67.Findings showed that average of respondents’ family size was 4 person and theytravel to agricultural and rural areas at an average of 6.5 times annually. Number ofvisits from these destinations ranged from 1 to 30 times. The respondents preferred35.7 kilometer as maximum distance to agritourism destinations. The results of thisstudy provide some evidence that diversifying farms into tourism activities andconsequently developing a successful entrance fee program can provide additionalrevenue to alleviate the financial shortage faced by small farmers. The mean of WTPprojected 53400 rails per each visit and for using some agritourism services. As thisestimation was statistically significant and as about 80 percent of citizens accept one of the suggested amounts, it would be concluded that there is appropriate potentialmarket for development of agritourism enterprises. Results showed that variables of“annual number of travel to rural-agricultural environments”, “family size” anddummy variables of “having car” and “place of born” had a significant effect on theanticipated willingness to pay of citizens. ConclusionThe coefficient for annual number of travel to rural-agricultural environments wasnegative. It implies that the more travel to these areas annually, the less the numberof respondents who are willing to pay the suggested amount. So planners ofagritourism development should focus on citizens with lower times of visit fromrural-agricultural environments. Negative coefficient of family size indicated thatincrease of family members, decreases willingness to pay for agritourism amongrespondents. Thus new and young families should be first priority of marketingplans. Totally based on the findings, a fee-paying program could be developed thatis acceptable to visitors and helps to ensure high-quality recreational opportunities infarms. It seems reasonable for policy makers to at least consider an entrance fee asone of the funding alternatives for agritourism development.