标题:بررسی موانع و راهکارهای مناسب توسعة مشاغل خانگی روستایی شهرستان اسلامآباد غرب
其他标题:A Study of Barriers and Suitable Solution in Development of Rural Household Jobs from the Perspective of Rural Women and Expert in the City of West Islamabad
摘要:باتوجه به افزایش سریع و گستردة جمعیت، ازجمله جمعیت روستایی ایران، و ناتوانی بخش کشاورزی در اشتغالزایی کافی برای نیروی کار حجیم و فزایندة روستایی، توسعة اشتغال غیرکشاورزی بهویژه برای گروههای کمزمین یا فاقد زمین، اهمیت بسزایی دارد. یکی از کسبوکارهایی که در سالهای اخیر درخصوص زنان روستایی به آن توجه شده، مشاغل خانگی است. در کشورهای جهانسوم درصد کمی از زنان روستایی در این زمینه مشغول بهکار هستند و متأسفانه کار خانگی این عده نیز در قالب نهاد یا مؤسسة مشخصی تعریف نشده است. ازینرو، پژوهش کاربردی حاضر پژوهش حاضر، کاربردی با هدف بررسی راهکارهای مناسب توسعة مشاغل خانگی از دیدگاه زنان روستایی و کارشناسان است، که با روش توصیفیـ پیمایشی در سال 1390 انجام شد. جامعة آماری این پژوهش شامل 15000 زن روستایی و 50 کارشناس صاحبنظر در زمینة مشاغل خانگی بود و حجم نمونه براساس جدول مورگان 375 نفر زن روستایی و 50 نفر کارشناس تعیین گردید. روش نمونهگیری در جامعة زنان بهصورت طبقهای با انتساب متناسب، و در جامعة کارشناسان سرشماری بود. روایی پرسشنامه با بهرهگیری از نظر متخصصان و پایایی آن با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ برای هریک از موانع توسعة مشاغل خانگی شامل خانوادگی، فردی، اقتصادی، دولتی و شخصیتی بهترتیب 87/0، 88/0، 76/0، 89/0، 87/0 محاسبه شد، که نشاندهندة مناسببودن ابزار پژوهش است. تجزیه و تحلیل دادهها با نرمافزار SPSS نشان داد که مهمترین موانع توسعة مشاغل خانگی از دید زنان بهترتیب موانع شخصیتی، فردی، اقتصادی، خانوادگی و دولتی است. از دید کارشناسان، مهمترین این موانع بهترتیب موانع خانوادگی، فردی، شخصیتی، دولتی، و اقتصادی هستند. نتایج مطالعات همبستگی، ارتباط مثبت و معناداری را بین عضویت در تشکلها، سطح تحصیلات زنان و توسعة مشاغل خانگی با احتمال خطای 01/0 نشان میدهند. بین سایر متغیرها ازقبیل سن زنان، وضعیت تأهل، داشتن یا نداشتن الگوی نقش، موفقیت یا عدمموفقیت الگوی نقش، داشتن تجربة شخصی در زمینة مشاغل خانگی و توسعة کسبوکارهای خانگی رابطة معناداری وجود ندارد.
其他摘要:Introduction Some visulizers believed that, home business opportunities, caused selfemployment, thought removing deficiency and fulfillment of local requirement in anEconomic and remove difficulties for perdurable development. These jobsconsidered as Essential and vital Economic activities in developing countries andfrom making job opportunity and renovation in the field of products and services,lead to diversity and change ability in every countries society and Economy andcombine with two specific characteristics include, low percapita cost and immediateyield could utilize as sufficient alternative to reduce unemployment and for youth,Accommodate point to start up individual jobs, because starting it up compare toother businesses, because of Diversity in products and services distribution ordiversity implaces and moments of distribution, have lost of adherent and bignumber of governments tried to expand and start up it, among diversity of peoplespecially women, because in recent world, intend to women role in economic and social development process in unavoidable able in each society and global arena,making job opportunity by furnishing employment for manpower specially womenare the most essential program. Since proportion of villager population comparewhole countries population are reduced in most of world countries in mostdeveloping countries, this rate is under 10 percent. Despite to subjects related tourbanism nature development in whole worlds, the main cause of this reduction isrestriction the capacity of villager area productivity (specially in agriculturaldomains). By industrialization and scientific agriculture in countries villagerproduction advantage, increases, consequently, it required less number manpower,that automatically it results unemployment and reduces in villagers income. Activaterural, could help, social security and reduce big number of disagree able. Evengrowth reverse Emigration in Iran. Consequently, in rural area on of basicemployment strategies, movement toward nonagricultural industries specially housebusiness. Accommodate field to active women and girls are available by housebusiness. Because most deprived people are villagers if reducing program of povertywant to be successful, must focus on rural people.DiscussionIn one hand poverty has connection with sexuality and poverty is post rural one ofyesterday. They are deprived from all facilities, to improve mending situation fromquality and quantity. These rural female help in families subsistence, because inmost cases, husband income couldn't support life expenses and farming and retiaryincome which has been done by rural women, sometimes are more than theirhusbands. Accordingly, we should certainly planning manpower in Agriculture fieldspecifically rural women and female, in this case because businesses have highsituation, because this jobs have high information to our culture and based ondifferent reason, such as historical background of master- trainee activities, womenhigh portion in national economy and enhancing of production in this group ofsociety it seems that advocating this jobs could considerably impressionable andexpanding this job opportunities in rural area because of presence and social relation and high cooperation attempt, responsibility, obligation and engagement toprogression in rural people, could be more successful from urban area.ConclusionThese type of businesses have significant role in wealth and economic growth anddevelopment of community’s social capital. There fore the purpose of this appliedresearch was to investigate rural women and expert's views on barriers and suitablesolution of developing household jobs with descriptive survey methodology in 2011.Statistical population was 15000 rural women and 50 experts of rural householdjobs. Sampling method was proportional stratified random sample and based onMorgan (n=375) rural women were selected and 50 expert selected based on casestudy. Validity of the instrument were measured (face validity) by a panel of expert,and reliability were measured by Cranach's alpha coefficient for each the obstaclesto development of household jobs such as: family, personal, economic,governmental and personality. Calculated respectively (0.87, 0.89, 0.76, 0.88, 0.87),which indicates the suitability of the instrument. Data analysis constructed by(SPSS) software showed that the most important barriers to the development ofhousehold jobs from the perspective of rural woman were: personal barriers,interpersonal, economical, family and governmental barriers, and from the experts’view the barriers were respectively: family, individual, personal, governmental andeconomical barriers. The correlation study showed positive and significantrelationship between membership in the organization and development of householdjobs, level of women education with an error probability of .01, and significantrelationship between families, personal, economic, governmental, personality anddevelopment of household jobs with an error probability of 0.1. While there were nosignificant correlation between age & marital status, having or not having a rolemodel, success or failure of role mole. Having personal experience in the field ofhousehold jobs and development of household jobs.