标题:Side effects of thiacloprid+deltamethrin, pirimicarb and pymetrozine on the black bean aphid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)
出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
摘要:Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall is the main parasitoid of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli. Lethal andsublethal effects of thiacloprid+deltamethrin, pirimicarb and pymetrozine were evaluated on the parasitoidunder laboratory conditions. Newly emerged females were exposed to dry insecticide residues that wereapplied on glass plates. Thiacloprid+deltamethrin caused 100% mortality. Pirimicarb produced significantmortality and adverse effects on fecundity, while pymetrozin did not. According to the IOBC (InternationalOrganization of Biological Control) standards, thiacloprid+deltamethrin (E = 100%), pirimicarb (E = 62.70%)and pymetrozine (E = 11.86%) were classified as harmful, slightly harmful and harmless, respectively. Lifetable assays revealed that intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) inthiacloprid+deltamethrin (50%) andpirimicarb (12%) were significantly reduced compared to the control group, while pymetrozine had no sucheffects. Our results showed that pymetrozine was safe for L. fabarum, but pirimicarb andthiacloprid+deltamethrin had deleterious effects on this parasitoid. In sum, the present study suggests a relativecompatibility between pymetrozine and L. fabarum.
关键词:ecotoxicology; IOBC; insecticide; life table parameters.