期刊名称:International Journal of Database Management Systems
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Specific characteristics of mobile environments make traditional transaction management techniques nolonger appropriate. This is due the fact that the ACID properties of transactions are not simply followed, inparticular the consistency property. Thus, transaction management models adopting weaker form ofconsistency are needed and these models can now tolerate a limited amount of consistency. In this paperwe evaluate our execution framework on different mobile computation modes using different executionstrategies. Moreover, the effects of the fixed host transaction are identified and included in the evaluationThe integration between wired and wireless environments confirms that the execution strategy is critical forthe performance of a system. Neither MHS nor FHS are optimal in all situations and the performancepenalties and wasted wireless resources can be substantial. A combined strategy CHS over MCA-FSAcomputation model matches the best performance of the FHS and MHS and shows better performance thanboth in many cases.
关键词:Mobile Data Base; transaction processing; Execution Strategies; Execution framework; Performance;evaluation.