摘要:Lawn is the heart of the garden and the centre for social life. These are considered as an essential component of private gardens, public landscapes and parks in various parts of the world. Lawn is the best foreground to enjoy the charm and beauty of the ornamental plants and features. They are developed for aesthetic pleasure, as well as for sports or other outdoor recreational purpose. Based on climatic requirements, they are classified into two categories, viz. cool season and summer season grasses. In the review, description, varieties, importance and uses of Alkali grass ( Puccinella distans ), Annual Blue Grass ( Poa annua ), Canada blue grass ( Poa compressa ), Colonial Bentgrass ( Agrotis capillaris ), Creeping Bentgrass, ( Agrotis stolonifera ), Fine Fescues, Kentucky Blue Grass ( Poa pratensis ), Perennial Rye Grass ( Lolium perenne), Rough Blue Grass ( Poa trivialis ), Velvet bentgrass ( Agrotis canina ) and Wheatgrass ( Agropyron spp ) and warm season grasses namely Bahia grass ( Paspalum notatum ), Bermuda grass ( Cynodon dactylon ), Blue Grama ( Bouteloua gracilis ), Buffalo grass ( Buchloe dactyloides ), Carpet grass ( Axonopus affinis), Centipede grass ( Eremochloa phiuroides ), Kikuyu grass ( Pennisetum clandestinum ), Salt grass ( Distichlis spicata) and Zoysia grass ( Zoysia spp.) are discussed in details.