期刊名称:Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice
出版社:Publishing House of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
摘要:The article is devoted to the substantiation of spiritual and moral education as a condition for ensuring the spiritual and moral security of an individual in modern conditions. The author draws attention to the concept of security and the main threats to personal security. Attention is focused on the role of spirituality in the formation of personality. Spiritual and moral security of a person is defined as a person's state, when his consciousness, ideology, ideals, moral values, ability to be attracted to public life does not threaten anything. It is noted that in the formation of spiritual and moral security an important role is played by man himself (spiritual and moral self-education), features of his worldview, morality. It should be taken into account that the state of spiritual and moral security of a person is weakened if a person is not able to properly assess and anticipate the consequences of his actions. The author believes that the main problems of the spiritual and moral security of the individual in modern conditions is the underestimation of spiritual and moral principles. Therefore, it is spiritual and moral upbringing that is one of those conditions that can ensure the spiritual and moral security of the individual in modern conditions, since the result of this upbringing is the spiritual and moral culture of the individual, and a person of a high spiritual and moral culture is always in spiritual and moral security. Spiritual and moral education presupposes a careful selection of instruments of influence on the process of development and formation of personality, elimination of negative factors that can distort the personality, limit its spiritual and moral possibilities, exclude the existence of any kind of threats to the individual.