摘要:The paper demonstrates a dependency between the annual average daily air temperature course (cycle) in Warsaw and the profile of annual solar activity linked to rotation (with a period of 25–31 days). Waves of cold (Δ T <0) or heat (Δ T ≥ 0) were defined as Δ T deviations of daily average temperature ( T ) using a regression sinusoid f ( t ) with a period of 365 days. Cold waves were found to generally occur at times of low daily average solar activity (relative to 60-year average), while hot waves tended to coincide with high Wolf numbers. The cycles of the variables were derived using the sinusoid regression method ( Boryczka 1998 ). The maximum sinusoid regression of the annual air-temperature cycle T is delayed by nearly one month vis-à-vis the maximum declination of the Sun. The maximum of the regression sinusoid of daily average Wolf numbers ( W ) was delayed from the maximum declination by more than two months.
关键词:Cold waves ; heat waves ; solar activity ; regression sinusoid ; period ; interference