其他摘要:everal papers have focused on the importance of physical activity (PA) with school-aged subjects. These papers underline the importanceof accruing 60-minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) to ensure a proper health status. The objectives of this paper are two:to describe general patterns of PA levels among school-aged subjects and the prevalence of meeting PA guidelines; and, secondly, to fractionally analyzethe contribution of different activities performed during the week to daily MVPA (min/day), such as the MVPA per hour (min/hour). A hundred andthirty-six Spanish students aged 8 to 19 years were selected; they wore a GT3X accelerometer in order to measure their weekly PA. Most childrendisplayed a low level of PA (51.7 min/day), and low compliance with PA health guidelines (34.6%). Despite these low levels, short duration school-based activities were found to provide a great amount of MVPA per hour, especially among Primary school subjects compared to Secondary (9.66 vs.5.75 min MVPA /hour; p< .001 for physical education classes and 10.75 vs. 4.65 min MVPA /hour; p< .001 during recess). This fact could be essentialfor future intervention studies, and to establish strategies and PA promotion policies for school-aged subjects.
其他关键词:Children; Accelerometer; Schools; Physical Education and Training; Adolescents.