摘要:Subsurface drainage systems are very important type of meliorative measures in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, their functions are perceived differently in the Czech society. We can distinguish point of view of landowner, farmer, water manager or environmentalist. With regard to the climatic changes or new praxis of agricultural, there must be assessed changed conditions in relation to existing drainage systems. It has connection with the next strategy of their funding and management. Therein, in the Czech Republic, farmer has dominating position, instead of the state or landowner that would be probably more correct. The paper presents results of user demands survey, conditions of drainage systems, their services and defects. New technologies, mainly remote sensing, and their use for identification and survey of drainage systems are presented too. Land drainage measures changed the whole landscape in the Czech Republic (agricultural intensification, loss of natural habitats and natural water flows etc.). In context of hydrological extremes′ rising and drainage systems′ ageing, existence of drainage systems must be solved. It means their maintainance for purpose of agricultural production, or, on the contrary, their elimination with the view of nature habitats′ recovery. Both solutions must differ in accordance with the different landscape characteristics of the Czech Republic.