期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)
出版社:Science and Information Society (SAI)
摘要:An answer of a learner can be interpreted as a learning evidence for demonstrating the understanding of the learner, while a confidence on the answer represents the belief of the learner as the degree of understanding. In this paper, we propose Kit-Build concept map with confidence tagging. Kit-Build concept map (KB map in short) is a digital tool for supporting a concept map strategy where learners can create the learning evidence, and the instructor can access the correctness and confidence information of learners. The practical uses were conducted for demonstrating the valuable of correctness and confidence information in the lecture class. The correctness information was visualized in the control classes, while the correctness and confidence information were visualized in the experiment classes. The observed evidence illustrates that the different information was used for selecting and ordering the supplementary content when the system visualized the different information. The normalized learning gains and effect size demonstrate the different learning achievements between control- and experiment- classes. The results suggest that the confidence information of learner affects the instructor behaviors, which is the positive changing behavior for improving the understanding of their learners. The results of questionnaire suggest that the KB map with confidence tagging is an accepted mechanism for representing the learner’s understanding and their confidence. The instructors also accepted that the confidence information of learners is valuable information for recognizing the learning situation.
关键词:Kit-Build concept map; confidence tagging; effect of confidence information; behavior changing of instructor