Objectives This research was conducted with the goal of comparison of executive functions, risk behaviors, and academic motivation among adolescents with chronology type morningness and eveningness.
Methods This is a comparative study in a population of high school students in Isfahan in 2014-15 academic year. Accessible sampling was used as a sampling method in two phases. In the first phase 320 students were selected, and in the second phase, 106 students with different chronology types were chosen as a final sample. The data gathered by using Horne and Östberg’s Morningness-eveningness questionnaire, Mohammadi and his colleagues’ Iranian Adolescents Risk Scale, Abdekhodaee’s Achievement motivation questionnaire, and Wisconsin card sorting test. Independent samples t test and Mann-Whitney U test were employed for analyzing data using SPSS-21.
Results Significant relationship was found between two aspects of executive functions containing preservation error and incorrect answers responses, and chronology types (P<0.05), whereas no significant relationship existed in other aspects. In addition, morningness and eveningness chronology types were significantly different among adolescents in terms of risky behaviors and academic motivation (P<0.05).
Conclusion The adolescents with morningness chronology type performed better in executive function and academic motivation in comparison with eveningness type and had lower risky behaviors.