期刊名称:Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis
出版社:Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
摘要:The article discusses the potential water market issue in Brazil. As it is unused, first the US case is presented, probably the oldest and the most documented one, in which during the 19th Century, the water exploration rights were transformed into property rights to deal with shortage problems, and in the last 20 years its commerce has been intensified in the face of the droughts’ aggravation. In Brazil, a similar idea is being presented by the National Congress, and it seems to have echoed in federal government sectors, despite its incompatibility with the constitutional principle that waters constitute public domain assets of the Union and of the States.
关键词:Water Rights;Water Resource;Water Crisis;Water Market;Water Law;Concesión de Derechos de Uso;Recurso Hídrico;Crisis Hídrica;Mercado de Agua;Ley de las Aguas;Outorga de Direito de Uso;Recurso Hídrico;Crise Hídrica;Mercado de Água;Lei das Águas