出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This work analyzes the materials recovered from the silo of ‘El Pontarró’, located in La Secuita (Tarragona), filled with debris dated to the end of the 5th century BC or the beginnings of the 4th century BC. Among them, a number of bronze ornaments and about 6,000 glass beads stand out, together with pottery, spindle whorls, querns, as well as faunal, malacological (mainly Cypraea) and archaeobotanical remains. Most elements are rare and related to funerary or ritual practices. This supports the hypothesis that the filling of the silo could correspond to a ritual action, perhaps after the destruction of a necropolis. The accidental discovery of the silo as well as the altered field conditions that for the moment make further archaeological intervention impossible, prevent gaining more information about the context of the deposit. Nevertheless, its contents include the biggest assemblage of glass beads from the Protohistory of the the Iberian Peninsula and are thus.
关键词:Iberian Peninsula;Protohistory;Iberian Culture;Silo;Ritual;Glass beads;Lead isotopes;Península Ibérica;Protohistoria;Cultura ibérica;Silo;Ritual;Cuentas de vidrio;Isótopos de plomo