标题:La adaptación social y escolar en niños con y sin Trastorno por Déficit de Atención Con Hiperactividad (TDAH) de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia)
摘要:This article results from a research focused on the description and comparison of social and school adaptation of 40 children attending regular classes in Barranquilla (Colombia). These children characteristic are: 20 children with TDAH according to DSMIV (Inattentive type and combined one), and 20 children without this dysfunction. This study considers adaptation from a psychosocial perspective as a response to personal and social requirements from the environment. To collect information instrument such as TAMAI were used: childhood adaptive multifactor evaluative test in which significant statistical and behavioral differences between TDAH children and non-TDAH ones were found taking into account social and school adaptation levels. There as a greater presence of maladjustment in children with IDAH of the combined type.