摘要:Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is a top cause of death worldwide. Coronary artery disease constitutes most cardiovascular disease. Despite its multi-factorial etiology, there is evidence that psychological factors such as anger/hostility are associated with the development and progression of coronary heart disease. Objective: To compare levels of anger, and its components, between a group of Colombians individuals with coronary heart disease and a healthy control group. Measures: Each participant was administered the STAXI-2. Results: Compared to controls, patients with coronary artery disease had significantly higher Trait Anger (p < 0.01), specifically the Angry Reaction sub-scale (p < 0.05), and Anger Expression-In (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Patients with coronary artery disease experience more frequent feelings of anger (trait anger), apparently because they are more sensitive to criticism (angry reaction), but they tend to suppress the expression of their anger (anger expression-in). These results confirm the need for implementing anger management programs with these patients and gain a better understanding of how anger/hostility might influence the progression of their disease.
关键词:Ira;Hostilidad;Cardiopatía isquémica;Psicología de la salud;Anger;Hostility;Coronary Artery Disease;Health Psychology