出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
摘要:Aristotle, in his Politics , characterized the human being as a social animal ( zoon politikón ) which had the unique ability not only to express feelings but also values, through language ( éjon lógon ). These principles of sociability have been one of the most important points of reference for all subsequent discussions on the social link. This paper tries to assess the validity of the philosopher´s postulates today, in the context of an economically globalized society, but also interconnected by social networks. It also aims to outline a readjustment of the human figure for which is proposed the denomination of zoon elektronikón .
关键词:Aristotle;socialization;information and communications technologies;ICT;social neuroscience;zoon elektronikon.;Aristóteles;socialización;TIC´s;neurociencia social;zoon elektronikón.