The educational movement "Kyouiku-gijyutsu-housokuka-undou" started in 1984. This movement emphasizes practical teaching methods without the sufficient examination on the objectives and the contents of school subjects; thus aims at the generalization of the normally diversified teaching skills. The purpose of this study is to especially examine the plans for physical education lessons in this movement. The fact that this movement has not sufficiently examined the objectives and the contents of education does not signify that the plans for physical education lessons in this movement is detached from the various philosophies of traditional physical education lessons. This inconspicuous relation between the plans for physical education lessons in this movement and the theories of physical education lessons of the past will be the focal point of this study. The analysis conducted in this study on the objectives proposed by Youichi Mukouyama, the founder of this movement, exposed an evident similarity between the Mukouyama's way of thinking on physical education lessons and one of the past philosophies of physical education "education-through-the-physical" which had been popular from 1945 to 1970's in Japan. Consequently, his way of thinking implicitly reflects the philosophies of "education-through-the-physical". This implies the possibility that the teachers like Mukouyama who don't examine the objectives or contents of education could not escape the influence of the educational paradigm of the past and are constricted to the reproduction of the deficient traditional lessons.