According to recent statistics on the school health, the general physique and physical fitness of pupils in the part-time high school (PTHS) are considerably inferior to those in the full-time high school (FTHS). This fact may possibly be due to certain differences of food intake and living situation. The present investigation was attempted to analyze their nutritional status and living situation by time studies on the pupil of several PTHSs in Gifu district in Japan, and their results were compared with those of FTHS in the same district. The subjects consisted of 161 boys and 245 girls, of which 85 pupils from PTHS and 321 from FTHS. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Animal protein intake and the protein score in the food of PTHS-pupils were lower than those of FTHS. 2) Carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and mineral intake in PTHS-pupils tended to be less than the FTHS. 3) Comparing the balance of calorie intake (calculated from the food analysis) with the energy output (rendered by time study analysis) between PTHS and FTHS-pupils, the amount of energy reserve of the FTHS-pupils tends to surpass that of PTHS. 4) The food intake of PTHS-girls tended to decrease with age, while little difference was noted in food intake in boys. 5) It may be considered that the chance of physical training is relatively limited in PTHS-pupils because of the present situation in time and space not sufficient to improve their growth, as well as their handicaps in familial back-ground. Further, in addition to improvements of these situations, increase in high quality of animal protein in take should also be adevisable.