To examine whether or not the frequency polygons of physical fitness data (side step test,vertical jump, back strength, grip strength, step test, trunk extension, standing trunk flexion,total scores and evaluation of physical fitness test) and motor ability data (50 m run, running broad jump, handball throw, pull-ups, endurance run, total scores and evaluation of motor ability test) in 3,948 boys and 3,900 girls from 12 to 17 years old in 1986 were the normal curves,the tests of normality with reference to k-statistics were carried out on the frequency distributions of them. The items of physical fitness test and motor ability test which had normal distribution or significant skewness or kurtosis coefficients at ages over two thirds of 12-17 year-old groups were as follows: 1) In skewness coefficient, vertical jump data in both sexes and total scores of physical fitness test of the boys had normal disturibution. In kurtosis coefficient, vertical jump data,grip strength data, total scores of physical fitness test and motor ability test, handball throw data in both sexes; step test data and pull-ups data of the girls had normal distribution. 2) The significant positive skewness appeared in the data of back strength, step test, total scores of physical fitness test, 50 m run, handball throw, pull-ups and endurance run in both sexes; grip strength of the girls and total scores of motor ability test of the boys. The significant negative skewness appeared in the data of trunk extension in both sexes and standing trunk flexion of the boys. 3) The leptokurtosis appeared in the data of side step, back strength, endurance run in both sexes; standing trunk flexion, 50 m run, pull-ups of the boys; trunk extension of the girls.The platykurtosis appeared in the data of evaluation of physical fitness test in both sexes and evaluation of motor ability test of the girls. 4) The frequency distribution rate of 12 year-old girl's endurance run which showed the maximum skewness and kurtosis coefficient appeared at the stage of 1 (7.3%), 2 (22.4%), 3(50.3%), 4 (30.9%) and 5 (0.0%) in the five-stage relative evaluation. The standard tables of the five-stage relative evaluation (1:7%, 2:24%, 3:38%, 4:24%, 5:7%) by sex and age were prepared in each item of physical fitness test and motor ability test.