The present study examined mental health promotion for elderly persons participating in physical fitness programs, and related factors. The subjects were 219 elderly persons (67 males, 152 females) participating in physical fitness programs. The results were as follows : 1) By participating in physical fitness programs and carrying out physical activity for 9 months, the "impulsiveness" and "nervousness" scales showed significant mental health promotion in elderly men. In elderly women participating in physical fitness programs, "impulsiveness", "mental instability", "depressiveness" and "nervousness" scales showed significant mental health promotion. 2) As a result of multiple regression analysis using the stepwise method to clarify the factors related to mental health promotion in elderly men participating in physical fitness programs, "frequency of exercise", "self-esteem", "negative social support from friends" and "THI・physical health promotion" were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). The multiple correlation coefficient was R=0.719 (R^2=0.517).Judging from each standardized partial regression coefficient of factors, higher exercise frequency, lower self-esteem, less negative social support from frierds and higher THI・physical health promotion, each encouraged elderly men to improve their mental health. 3) As a result of multiple regression analysis using the stepwise method to clarify the factors related to mental health promotion in women, "age", "morbidity of chronic disease", "ADL", "frequency of exercise", "self-esteem", "positive social support from friend's" and "negative social support from friends" were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). The multiple correlation coefficient was R=0.500 (R^2=0.250).Judging from each standardized partial regression coefficient of factors, younger age, high morbidity of chronic disease, normal ADL, higher exercise frequency, low self-esteem, high positive social support and low negative social support from triends, each promoted elderly women to improve their mental health.