摘要:This study documents opportunities for identity and agency experienced by students inurban school and afterschool contexts, with a focus on digital media’s role in shaping these opportunities.We conducted focus groups and interviews with 43 students and six teachers affiliated with an urbanpublic high school and a network of afterschool programs in the United States, as well as participantobservations of nine afterschool sessions and three school classes. Compared to school, afterschool programsafforded students greater opportunities for identity expression, with digital media generally playing asupporting role. We found that the institutional constraints and sociopolitical dynamics that shapestudents’ experiences in school and afterschool contexts are largely mirrored in the ways technology is usedin these contexts. Introducing digital media into a setting will not necessarily change these dynamics,though we did see potential for disruption in some afterschool settings. The findings provide new insightinto digital media’s role in supporting identity and agency in school and afterschool settings.
关键词:Digital media; identity; agency; formal and informal learning contexts