期刊名称:Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies
出版社:Academic Direct Publishing House
摘要:Steam boiler is an integral and important component of steam turbine used forelectricity generation. Its design is however complex, time consuming and prone toerrors if done manually. This study aimed at using computer based approach to designpalm kernel shell combusting furnace for generating a desired amount of electricity.By way of backward calculation approach, standard design equations were used to sizefurnace and its components. The equations were coded and solved using C-Sharpprogramming language. The results showed that to generate 5 kW of electricity frompalm kernel shell; 5.5 kW turbine, 3.1 m super heater, 3.8 m riser, furnace of 1.432 mheight and 0.45 m3 volume were required having considered power loss due to frictionand others. While these results are in good agreement with those calculated manually,human errors are virtually eliminated. In addition, calculations and drafting time werereduced from 5 hrs. 47 minutes when done manually to about 4 minutes when thedeveloped code was used. This code can be used to size boiler for any desired poweroutput.
关键词:Steam boiler; Palm Kernel Shell; Design; Computer aided; Power output