期刊名称:Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering
出版社:Universidade Federal da Paraíba
摘要:A big earthquake occurred in the southern coastal of Java on Ju ly 17 th , 2006. The earthquake caused Tsunami waves in the coastal area of West Jav a, Central Java, and Yogyakarta. In particular the potential of Tsunami hazard in so uthern part of Yogyakarta Province is high. Par angtritis is located at the sou thern part of Yogyakarta Province. Sand dune in Parangtritis coastal area has been a nat ural barrier of Tsunami hazard. In this case, minimizing impact of Tsunami can be condu cted by estimating Tsunami hazard zones. In this research, we observed actual cond ition of sand dune and predicted the Tsunami inundation area using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System application on ALOS PALSAR Differential Inte rferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSA R) technique. We propose a novel sand dune monitoring approach using DInSAR analysis on L-Band. The scenar io on water depth was used to estimate Tsunami inundation area and wave direction . The monitoring accuracy was compared with the r esults of GPS measurements. We argued that the southeast Tsunami wave scenario with 30 meters elevation produc ed big hazard. Based on our study, we propose a sand dune conservation mapping and p rotection management plan of sand dune coastal area that can be used to i mprove awareness of local stakeholders.