标题:Medical tattooing, the new frontiers: a case of nail bed treatment Alberto Renzoni, Antonia Pirrera, Alessandra Lepri, Paolo Cammarata, Rita Molinaro and and Alessandro Dalla Vedova
摘要:The primary objective of medical tattooing is to restore part of a patient’s physicalintegrity. Moreover, the procedure seeks to assist in psychological recovery from thephysical and/or psychological consequences of disease, surgery or trauma. The methoddescribed in this brief note marks a step forward in the field of such tattooing. Thetreatment simulates reconstruction of the nail bed, as the nails of the big toes hadpreviously been removed through a surgical avulsion procedure. This treatment, agreedwith the physician and performed by a tattooist with proven experience in medical tattooing,also involved the use of specific colour nuances that resulted in an extremelyrealistic outcome.