出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:In the 21 st century of human habitat and global transformation of towns and cities, a nation develops through willingness of stakeholders (i.e. Government, Community Based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Individuals) in improving infrastructural facilities that allow a society to function effectively. This study examined the effects of infrastructure on the socio-economic livelihood of the people in Iju community, with a view to enhancing development and alleviating poverty. Data was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 180 respondents using stratified sampling. The sample size was the ratio of buildings. The processing of data in the study was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19. Data collected were analyzed at two levels using univariate and bivariate statistics. The Univariate Analysis was used to present the data on frequency distribution through the use of tables, charts, maps, and percentages. The Bivariate Analysis was used in carrying out the tests of the formulated hypotheses Findings revealed that provisions of infrastructures such as road, water supply, electricity, school and town halls were instrumental in improving the socio-economic activities of the people, however the condition of some facilities in the town was dilapidated and as such had not been adequately maintained. The recommendations called for encouragement of self help programmes and assistance from NGOs and cooperative societies.
其他摘要:In the 21 st century of human habitat and global transformation of towns and cities, a nation develops through willingness of stakeholders (i.e. Government, Community Based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Individuals) in improving infrastructural facilities that allow a society to function effectively. This study examined the effects of infrastructure on the socio-economic livelihood of the people in Iju community, with a view to enhancing development and alleviating poverty. Data was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 180 respondents using stratified sampling. The sample size was the ratio of buildings. The processing of data in the study was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19. Data collected were analyzed at two levels using univariate and bivariate statistics. The Univariate Analysis was used to present the data on frequency distribution through the use of tables, charts, maps, and percentages. The Bivariate Analysis was used in carrying out the tests of the formulated hypotheses Findings revealed that provisions of infrastructures such as road, water supply, electricity, school and town halls were instrumental in improving the socio-economic activities of the people, however the condition of some facilities in the town was dilapidated and as such had not been adequately maintained. The recommendations called for encouragement of self help programmes and assistance from NGOs and cooperative societies. Keywords : Infrastructure Development, Iju Town, Ondo State, Socio-Economic, Willingness
关键词:Infrastructure Development; Iju Town; Ondo State; Socio-Economic; Willingness