摘要:Communication ability head for a present of exchange information to accomplish the same comprehension. However, this ability did not conducted optimally which can be seen a reality that a teacher hardly to make student pose a question. Reading Infusion (RI) and Socrative (SC) was used to solve the communication ability problem. Quasi-experiment research with static comparison group design was fully conducted in three classes such as RISC class, kelas RI class and SC class. Communication profil of the subject is explored using Knowledge Hierarchy (KH) dan Question Hierarchy (QH). Then by measured the Effect Size (ES) the result shown that no differences of student communication ability by KH and there is difference in student communication ability using QH. RISC class student question frequency has the high lever question and the most frequency among the three classes.
其他摘要:Abstract : Communication ability head for a present of exchange information to accomplish the same comprehension. However, this ability did not conducted optimally which can be seen a reality that a teacher hardly to make student pose a question. Reading Infusion (RI) and Socrative (SC) was used to solve the communication ability problem. Quasi-experiment research with static comparison group design was fully conducted in three classes such as RISC class, kelas RI class and SC class. Communi-cation profil of the subject is explored using Knowledge Hierarchy (KH) dan Question Hierarchy (QH). Then by measured the Effect Size (ES) the result shown that no differences of student communi-cation ability by KH and there is difference in student communication ability using QH. RISC class student question frequency has the high lever question and the most frequency among the three classes. Key Words : communication skill, reading infusion, socrative Abstrak : Keterampilan komunikasi bertujuan untuk menghadirkan pertukaran informasi agar menca-pai pemahaman yang sama. Keterampilan komunikasi belum terfasilitasi secara optimal yang tampak adanya kesulitan guru dalam melatih siswa bertanya atau berpendapat. Reading Infusion (RI) dan Socrative (SC) diangkat dalam penelitian ini untuk mengatasi lemahnya komunikasi siswa. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah kuasi-eksperimen dengan static comparison group dan dilakukan terhadap kelas RISC, kelas RI dan kelas SC. Profil komunikasi siswa dieksplorasi dengan rubrik Knowledge Hierarchy (KH) dan Question Hierarchy (QH). Hasil yang diperoleh melalui pengukuran Effect Size, menunjukkan tidak terdapatnya perbedaan kemampuan siswa dalam menanggapi pertanya-an berdasarkan KH, sedangkan terdapat perbedaan pada mengajukan pertanyaan berdasarkan QH. Kelas RISC berada pada High Level dan mengajukan pertanyaan terbanyak di antara ketiga kelas. Kata kunci : keterampilan komunikasi, reading infusion, socrative