摘要:Implementation of asessment often takes several sets of questions. However, different tests will have a different difficulty indices even they were constructed on the same indicators. Equating or score converting in every test must be done to ensure the tests in same scale of measurement. Development of test instruments includes several steps: create multiple choice question base on students response of open ended question; consultation with experts to validation of contents, individual try out to asssess aspects of language comprehension, limited field try out to assess the feasibility of items parameter and field try out to determine the convertion coefficients. In this study, equating method used is linear equating. According to the least error of equating is suggested using scoring conversion in test B (Y) to test A (X). Equation of convertion for first year highshool is: X* = 1,064 Y + 0,015, for second year is X* = 0,834 Y + 0,455, and for third year is Y* = 0,991 Y – 0,147.
其他摘要:Abstract : Implementation of asessment often takes several sets of questions. However, different tests will have a different difficulty indices even they were constructed on the same indicators. Equating or score converting in every test must be done to ensure the tests in same scale of measurement. Development of test instruments includes several steps: create multiple choice question base on students response of open ended question; consultation with experts to validation of contents, individual try out to asssess aspects of language comprehension, limited field try out to assess the feasibility of items parameter and field try out to determine the convertion coefficients. In this study, equating method used is linear equating. According to the least error of equating is suggested using scoring conversion in test B (Y) to test A (X). Equation of convertion for first year highshool is: X* = 1,064 Y + 0,015, for second year is X* = 0,834 Y + 0,455, and for third year is Y* = 0,991 Y – 0,147. Key words : test instrument, kinematics, straight motion, equating Abstrak : Pelaksanaan penilaian membutuhkan beberapa set soal yang berbeda untuk mengukur kemampuan yang sama. Soal-soal tersebut memiliki tingkat kesukaran yang berbeda dan didasarkan pada kisi-kisi yang sama. Penyetaraan skor antar soal perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan set-set soal berada dalam skala pengukuran yang sama. Pengembangan dan penyataraan instrumen tes meliputi tahapan pengembangan soal pilihan ganda yang didasarkan pada respon siswa pada soal uraian, validasi isi, uji coba perorangan aspek pemahaman bahasa, lapangan terbatas untuk menilai kelayakan soal dan uji coba lapangan untuk menentukan koefisien-koefisien penyetaraan dengan metode penyetaraan penyetaraan linear. Dengan memperhatikan nilai kesalahan baku penyetaraan yang terkecil disarankan proses konversi skor dilakukan dari skor soal kode B (Y) ke skor kode A (X) dengan persamaan konversi untuk kelas X adalah X* = 1,064 Y + 0,015. Untuk kelas XI persamaan konversinya adalah X* = 0,834 Y + 0,455. Untuk kelas XII persamaan konversinya adalah Y* = 0,991 Y – 0,147 Kata Kunci: instrumen tes , kinematika, gerak lurus, penyetaraan