其他摘要:This paper deals with the scientific learning at work. The research is part of a broader project to advance the understanding of informal learning in various settings in which it can be found. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with five building workers and two technicians in repairing refrigerators. For the organization of data, the procedures of Textual Discourse Analysis were used, with categories structured a priori according to the dimensions of learning by Illeris (2013). The social learning theory by Wenger (2013) and an analogy between worker´s knowledge and teacher´s knowledge by Tardif (2002) were used in the analysis. The results showed that: the knowledge constructed by the subjects are constituted as a set of representations from which they interpret, understand and solve problems in their daily practice; such knowledge were built because they are useful and necessary for the practice of the profession; the learning of such knowledge occurred, mainly, with help of more experienced colleagues in the community which they were part.
关键词:Aprendizagem no trabalho;Aprendizagem informal;Teoria social de Wenger;Saberes docentes;Learning at work;Informal learning;Social learning theory of Wenger;Teacher’s knowledge