期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:The common vision of smart systems today, is by and large associated with one single concept, the internetof things (IoT), where the whole physical infrastructure is linked with intelligent monitoring andcommunication technologies through the use of wireless sensors. In such an intelligent vibrant system,sensors are connected to send useful information and control instructions via distributed sensor networks.Wireless sensors have an easy deployment and better flexibility of devices contrary to wired setup. With therapid technological development of sensors, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) will become the keytechnology for IoT and an invaluable resource for realizing the vision of Internet of things (IoT) paradigm.It is also important to consider whether the sensors of a WSN should be completely integrated into IoT ornot. New security challenges arise when heterogeneous sensors are integrated into the IoT. Security needsto be considered at a global perspective, not just at a local scale. This paper gives an overview of sensorintegration into IoT, some major security challenges and also a number of security primitives that can betaken to protect their data over the internet.
关键词:Internet of Things (IoT); Wireless Sensor Network (WSN); Security; Privacy; Integration; Confidentiality