期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Efficient management of bandwidth in wireless networks is a critical factor for a successful communicationsystem. Special features of wireless networks such user mobility and growth of wireless applications andtheir high bandwidth intensity create a major challenge to utilize bandwidth resources optimally. In thisresearch, we propose a model for an adaptable network bandwidth management method that combinesbandwidth reservation and bandwidth adaptation to reduce call blocking and dropping probabilities. Themodel is an integer program that determines whether or not to accept new calls and decides how toallocate bandwidth optimally in a way to maximize user satisfaction. The results of a simulation studyshow that the proposed method outperforms an existing method with respect to key performance measuressuch as call blocking and dropping probabilities and call time survivability. This survivability indicator isa new measure that is introduced for the first time in this paper. We also present a second tradeoff modelto allow the network manager to control call dropping probability. The results of a second simulationstudy show that network users are better off if a zero call dropping policy is adopted as proposed in thefirst model.
关键词:Wireless networks; Bandwidth allocation; User satisfaction; Integer programming