出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The aim of the current study is to develop an achievement test of multiple-choice questions that assesses reading skills of Movies and Party Time Units of 5th curriculum. The achievement test was analyzed to form a final test of 25 questions and applied to 234 6th grade students in the 4 different schools of 4 different regions in Ankara during fall semester of 2016-2017 academic year as the 1 st pilot trial. Following the 1st pilot trial’s item discrimination analysis and item difficulty index analysis, 12 items of the test is revised. After revising 12 items, 2 nd pilot trial was conducted to different groups of 135 people of 6 th grade students in the same regions of Ankara, After the 2 nd Pilot trial, item discrimination and item difficulty analysis results were calculated. Following the analysis, 6 items were exracted from the test . For the internal reliability of the test, KR-20 value was calculated as 0, 924. The mean item difficulty (p) of the test was determined as 0,533 and mean item discrimination index (rjx) was determined as 0,521.