摘要:Infertility is one of the most significant medical, as well as social problems that affect psychological health of families and societies. Determining the prevalence of infertility is important for evaluating the potential of fertility. There are different reports on the prevalence of infertility in Iran, but the current research employs fertility history in order to provide an unbiased estimation of primary infertility.Data from a national survey of Iranian women aged 20-40 years was used in this study in year 2011. Totally, 1011 clusters were randomly selected according to post office codes, proportional to the population of the province. We evaluated the history of fertility as the basis for gathering information. Accordingly, we designed a questionnaire. Subsequently, we recruited and trained nurses and obstetricians to call on married women to fill the questionnaires. Primary infertility refers to a condition in which couples have not been able to conceive a child after one year of un-protected intercourse.In this research, we questioned 17187 women in 1011 clusters. The mean age of the women at the time of their marriage was 20.1, and that of their husbands was 25.4 years. The mean age of women at the time of their first pregnancy was 21.1. This research revealed the prevalence of primary infertility to be 20.2% in Iran.The prevalence of primary infertility in Iran seems to be higher than the world average. Therefore, it is crucially important to support the large number of couples who face this problem.