出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:The modern workplace is discussed and implications of the workplace for the Computer Information Systems (CIS)curriculum are presented. Employer expectations for baccalaureate CIS graduates are presented based on currentresearch studies. Given these expectations, it is proposed that the American Association of Colleges &Universities’(AAC&U) LEAP initiative may be of assistance in providing graduates meeting the employer expectations. LEAP’sEssential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) and High Impact Practices (HIPs) are presented. Examples of using HIPsacross the CIS curriculum are provided, and it is posited that the use of HIPs in the CIS curriculum has assisted inproviding CIS graduates meeting the employer expectations. It is concluded that it is just as important to focus onpedagogy (how we teach) as it is to define our curricular content (what we teach) in meeting employer demands forsuccessful 21st century CIS graduates.