摘要:The role of blood transfusion as a cause of Induced malaria is a known fact, and an increase in this condition has already observed in Iran mainly due to the increase in blood transfusions. Among cases in whom the onset and course of the disease were followed, it was observed that fever and other symptoms of malaria usually appear about 6 weeks alter the transfusion and appear mainly among patients in whom the transfusion bas been repeated. Fortunately, because of the limitation in the number of blood donors in Iran, who are mostly professional, the prevention of this condition is possible, provided that close cooperation between the related organizations be established. With the establishment of close cooperation among institution such as the centers for blood collection and transfusion, the Malaria Eradication Organization and its branches in various parts of the country, clinics, laboratories and research and educational centers, it would be possible to detect the source(s) of infection and take action to prevent the appearance of this condition.